Friday, August 20, 2010

What do you do when the spouse comes home grumpy from work?

My wife only works a couple of days a week, but comes home pretty darn moody after. How do you get your spouse to leave work at work?

(Please, no pervy answers. That stuff doesn't work with my wife, unfortunately.)What do you do when the spouse comes home grumpy from work?
I give mine time to unwind when he comes home before he has to deal with anything. I leave him to kick back in his chair, have a quiet time, ';he works in a noisy place';.

I don't say anything about the daily grind stuff until after dinner, by that time he is unwound and ready to chat a bit.

I'd give him a back rub, but he doesn't like them, and he doesn't like booze so making him a cocktail isn't an option. Just his own little space is all he wants.

This sounds corny Eddie, but you could get a couple of little lovey dovey cards or some little thoughtful thing that she loves that could turn your evening around on those days.

little romantic nothings go a long way, along with a bit of help around the house, especially when your kids are young.What do you do when the spouse comes home grumpy from work?
I think you should talk to her about the issues she's having at work, see if maybe you can offer advice for how to deal %26amp; tell her somehow that her moodiness is getting under your skin. Basically, what I'm suggesting is a combination of listening to her side %26amp; then being honest about your side. Negativity can be draining over time and everyone should contribute their best to a marriage. I really hope she's not coping this attitude because she has to work at all but if you think that is a possible factor, you need to be able to ';get real'; and tell her what you really think. Yes, you will probably fight over the difference of opinion but what are the alternatives? Suffering an unfair situation or holding back your thoughts to placate hers? That won't work. After the dust settles on an argument, both sides can think %26amp; possibly change their game. I've seen it happen in my own marriage over differences of opinion. Say your peace and then let it ride for awhile. People need time to digest. Good luck! All relationships are work.

Edit: This is advice if the ';moodiness'; is a daily occurrence %26amp; not an occasional venting session. Yes women need to be able to vent to their husbands but nobody wants to be a dumping ground for bad attitudes and sometimes we women need a wake up call about how our moods are effecting our spouses (and vise versa.) Be real %26amp; keep it respectful.
When my husband has had a bad day at work, I ignore him for awhile to give him space until he has had a chance to decompress.

He has had to lay some employees off recently and the stress of that is getting to him. So, I will give him a back or foot massage to help alleviate his stress.

Oh, and a cold beer or brandy %26amp; 7 helps too.
I have the same problem. Hubby goes straight to the bedroom, watches tv or plays video games. Hell half the time I don't even feel like he is around because I hardly ever see him. I just havve to let him have his down time.

I would suggest for your wife to find a job that would be more positively rewarding. It is not healthy to be stressed out all the time.
Talk to her about it at a time when she's not just getting home from work and ask her what she needs. Some people need time to wind down by themselves after work, while some people want to talk it out and rant.

In the mean time, just stay out of her way when she gets home until she calms down.

Good luck.
I was married for 15 yrs. Let her vent. Don't do the typical guy thing and try to be the fixer. No matter what you say or do she will snap back at you. Your a guy, and you are always wrong in a woman's eye. Just sit back and wait. The storm will blow over in about an hour. You could get a bath ready for her.
I usually say things like, ';Honey, you must have had a really bad day. You are quite the grumpy mumpy this evening.'; This usually breaks the ice and the conversation usually takes a turn for the better. Just remain calm and remind her how bad it would be if she worked full time!!!
I serve her a fine dinner with a glass of wine afterwards...sometimes two. When she's ready for bed, I give her a backrub and tuck her in with a goodnight kiss.

Yo. Everybody has a bad day now and then. A decent, loving man tries to make the day end on a positive note.
If she only works a couple of days a week then you can budget and survive without her working at all. Tell her that you know how unhappy she is and if it would make her happier to quit her job then to do it.
just make everything comfortable, and give her some space. A little while after she's home, ask her if there's anything you can do for/ get her.
make the dinner for her and do a quick tidy up so she can relax maybe do her a bath or something,she must really hate her job to behave like this,find out what behind it and then maybe you could help her find something else if there a real issue
Women need to vent. It's just part of the package and work gives us plenty to vent about. So do husbands. Venting is pretty much our happiness in life. Stifle it and feel the wrath.
have patience with her...try to get her to discuss what has her so angry and could be that she just needs to vent to someone for a few minutes and then she'll be fine again.
Punch him in the freaking head and not cook dinner~ Just kidding. I let it go and cook him dinner, I ignore him and he gets over it by the time we eat dinner usually
Tell her you want her to be happy--maybe she should find a job that would do that, even if it means a pay cut.
I will get my car keys and tell him I will be back when I think he might have his temper under control
well its called ';marriage'; why people do it is beyond me..
Cut his dick off and feed it to a whale.
Maybe she should change jobs, If she is that miserable.
I give him Lip Service.

I relax him with my mouth but, without words!

The unspoken word speaks the loudest.
Make her dinner.

i usually tell them to check their attitude at the door i don't need it in the house

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