Thursday, July 29, 2010

How do you deal with a spouse who starts projects and then doesn't finish them?

He decided to clean the garage and dragged all this sh*t out into the driveway. Then he laid down on the couch and fell asleep, leaving our front yard looking as if we were having a garage sale. I swear it drives me batshit when he starts something and then refuses to finish it. If it were me doing the same thing, he would have expected the job to be done within the hour. Is it wrong to hold him to the same standard that he holds me to?How do you deal with a spouse who starts projects and then doesn't finish them?
ugghh i hate those dad is one of them he wouldnt start a project without 2 packs of beer in the fridge and at the end of the day he would never finish it.....i find it uncalled for if ur not going to end it dont start it....dont waste my time n urs just pay some one else to do it...n whatever ur paying them u have to give me double to go shopping because since you have so much money to spare then u minus well make it rain a lil more on my sideHow do you deal with a spouse who starts projects and then doesn't finish them?
Normally I don't mind if my husband starts a job %26amp; doesn't finish it. It's usually something petty anyway, but if I had all that stuff out in the driveway %26amp; front yard, that would definitely bother me!! Hopefully after his nap he will get back out there %26amp; finish it before the day is over! :-) Good luck!

Remind him of this next time he wants you to finish your task!!
My husband and I both do that so we have lots of unfinished projects lying around in our home. To finish them, we have to help each other because we sometimes find doing large projects alone to be overwhelming.
Absolutely Not!
No! He needs to finish projects or not start them at all!
I dealt with a husband for 11 years that did just that. Not the garage thing, but other things. He would start many projects, get a call to go offshore and then expected me to finish them before he got home. If I did not, he would not. It would just lay there for many months until I finally pitched a fit and then he called me a nag. He made many promises of things he was going to build or do and never went through on any of them. It was the same as making promises just to break them. Guess he got his kicks off on that. After 11 years of that as well as other things, I told him I was not happy and wanted a separation. We finally divorced. I now have a wonderful husband that keeps his word. He finishes everything he starts. He does not make promises to me just so he can break them and let me down.

Disappointment in a spouse is one of the hardest things to get over. YOU ARE NOT WRONG!!!

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