Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What is the best way to show my spouse affection?

I'm am hoping for the top 5 spotlight with this question on the yahoo answers page.

What is the best way to show my spouse affection?
Set him in front of the TV, put on the History Channel and then YOU sit down with him and watch it!What is the best way to show my spouse affection?
You should know this before asking on yahoo. do something that he/she has little time for , running their bath water,washing clothes, cleaning up their mess, picking up the kids after school,cutting the grass, ect ect!! it does not have to be big, just show good effort, and expect nothing in return, and say the most important thing!!! I LOVE YOU!!
Get up in the middle of the night. Pour Hersey Kisses from the Bed to the livingroom (making a trail to follow). At the end of the trail, leave a note that says:

I Kiss the Ground You walk on.
Steak and a BJ!
sex sex sex
do nice little things for them.

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