Friday, August 20, 2010

What does being faithful to your spouse have to do with your position as a politician?

For the life of me I do not understand why politicians must get fired or resign from their position if they are caught cheating on their spouses.

Don't get me wrong, I do not condone cheating in any way and I think cheaters are scum, however, what does his relationship with his wife have to do with his ability to do his job correctly?What does being faithful to your spouse have to do with your position as a politician?
I guess if you accept being lied to its not an issue.

If scum lie to their spouse there is not reason to expect they will

not lie to their constituency.What does being faithful to your spouse have to do with your position as a politician?
It shouldn't have anything to do with job performance. And I personally don't care if they do.

What I do care about is politicians (by and large Republicans) who disingeneously spout off about their superior 'family values' and who fail to walk their talk.

Two examples: Gov. Stanford of South Carolina (just admitted an affair today) and Sen. Ensign (admitted an affair last week, and he vocally condemned Pres. Clinton on the floor of the senate in 1998 and voted to impeach him! What an f-in hypocrite!)
I believe it all has to do with honesty... if he could lie to the one person he's closest to in the world, then what is stopping him from lying to the public? He has a duty to them, just as he does to his wife, and he has proven that he does not hold that duty in very high regard.

I'm playing devil's advocate here, and examining why it might be. In truth I do think that that the firing of politicians caught cheating on their spouse is really a bit excessive. I actually felt sorry for Bill Clinton when he was going through the whole Monica Lewinski thing. That was pretty ridiculous.
Because if someone cheats on their spouse it shows they are a certain kind of person. It makes them look bad, because people will wonder ';what else are they cheating on';, or ';what else are they willing to do';.

Realistically it doesn't REALLY have anything to do with job performance. But like I said, it says something about their ethics.
If a person is going to deceive the person that they supposedly love and are committed to, what makes you think that they will not deceive the position that they are supposed to be committed to or the people they are committed to serve??
It has nothing to do with it. Supposedly politicians are held to higher standards than the ';general public.'; That is absurd. We vote from within the people, so they are going to act like people and make mistakes.

I agree with you.
Because if somebody cheats or lies, they are vulnerable for blackmail.

Well that depends on the person, we can all see that the Italian president Berlusconi doesn't give **** about what anybody writes about his spicy adventures in the paper.
I tend to agree! You don't get fired in my office if you have an affair! It has nothing to do with our business.

Again, like you said it isn't right and he is scum BUT it has nothing to do with his job.
Shows a general lack of committment, moral character, and loyalty. Not great qualities in a politician.
If they cannot be faithful to one person how can they be faithful to an entire country. They are a person who puts their desires above others. That's not who I would want running my country, state, city, town, or anything else.
They are probably heavily pressured from their politically party to resign and they party won't back them.
It simply shows a glaring character flaw...and if he has one that big, there are probably others. And it also proves they are liars, always dangerous in public office.
being trustworthy, keeping promises, being honorable....if he cheats then he isnt any of those things.
Cheating shows lack of character and integrity
HUGE CHARACTER FLAW - HELLO. If someone can lie and cheat on the person they supposedly love and made vows to what do you think they will do to their constituents?
it don't! just people are too nosiey and care about unimportant things!

and cheaters can die! lol
Absolutely nothing!!!
It's the cheating of any kind

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