Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How is a woman who openly tolerates her spouse's fooling around, considered to have good judgement?

For that matter wouldn't be insulting for a woman, that of all women she would be considered 'most qualified' to run for president?How is a woman who openly tolerates her spouse's fooling around, considered to have good judgement?
Chris S, Hillary is not 35 yrs old, she is 61 yrs. old.

She is not qualified , that 35 yrs she claims is total bs. She was only Bills wife when he was Governor, and his wife in the white house, before that she was a crooked lawyer. She will NOT make good judgements. She spent 8 yrs in the white house, but so has the pastry chef. Guess them women thinks it is okay to have a husband who has many girlfriends and rapes a few along the way. Not me!

Whether in Arkansas or in Washington, Hillary Clinton has spent decades parlaying her husband's political clout into both money and power and criminal activities . How did that benefit anybody but the Clintons. Commander in Stupidity is what she would be.

For those people whose memories are short, go on the Internet and look up Whitewater, the confidential raw FBI files on hundreds of Republican politicians that somehow -- nobody apparently knows how -- ended up in the Clinton White House illegally.

Look up the sale of technology to China that can enable them to more accurately hit American cities with nuclear missiles. Then look up the money that found its way to the Clintons through devious channels.

Look up Bill Clinton's firing of every single U.S. Attorney in the country, which of course included those who were investigating him for corruption as governor of Arkansas.

It may be old-fashioned to talk about character and integrity but they can have a lot more to do with the fate of this nation, death of it's citizens, than ';experience'; at playing political games, the games that only fatten Clinton's own pockets and adds more members to their crime family. And you know what happen's if you cross a Clinton.

Ms. Clinton does not have the faintest idea on how a war is run, that things change on the ground, strategies change and a sound military must adapt to change.

Hillary Clinton is unfit for command!

';Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book, like Bill did';

';Hillary wrote ,It Takes a Village'; pure socialism in it.How is a woman who openly tolerates her spouse's fooling around, considered to have good judgement?
If you want to play dirty you should answer this: How is a man who smoked a crack pot considered to have good judgment?

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This has got to be the best question ever asked on Y!A... Besides that, she still isn't qualified in my opinion...
You're blaming her for her husband's actions? No one can monitor anyone, and maybe they have a stronger conncetion in their partnership than that. It was good judgement to stand by him when it became public. It was good judgement to do it for her child, and good judgement not to have a meltdown in public. As I recall, too, she was very miffed that he did that.

Do you know that almost every President has had affairs and/or a mistress? JKF makes Bill look like a monk. But back then, the media protected these things. Not anymore. She should not be held accountable for her husband's actions,, especially when it comes to her qualifications as President. One has nothing to do with the other.
Why is forgiveness not good judgement? Why is trying to make your marriage work as opposed to tearing your family apart not good judgement? Her husband made some mistakes. So does that mean that she'd be a better person if she were bitter and vengeful? I don't think so. She chose to forgive and move on. I don't think that it is bad judgement to try to hold your life together and move forward. And I don't think her personal life is any of our business, especially since SHE hasn't done anything wrong.
She didn't fool around so why is her judgement in question? As to why spouses stay together after one or the other cheats, that is really between them and whether they can rebuild their marriage. They might just love each other and be true friends.

Sure seems like not only great testament to family values but also a great example of christian forgiveness - something the other side mouths but exhibits none of.

Why aren't you questioning the judgement of Guiliani or Gingrich - both well known cheaters?
Personally, I don't believe that he really fooled around. I think it was a practiced political scandal to attract attention away from some real issues. Whether or not he really did it was inconsequential--it was planned. Still, I don't think voting for Hillary is wise. Especially if you don't want to be forced to spend 20% of your income on Health Care, or else be fined and eventually jailed.
First part is fairly irrelevant. Though definitely not in the very positive category by most people's accounts. I am sure that Hillary herself wished it had never happened. Though apparently there was a very long pattern of such in Bill's past.

Perhaps she is the most qualified to run for president. She seems to eat up whatever it is about that part of politics, while others shy away from it because of conscience? I would say that Condi Rice is better in many areas improving intelligence and experience. Definintely a better musician and no husbands in her closet, so to speak.

* Sorry - Bush is not running and apparently Bill Clinton sort of is ..... remember two for one deal, part deux. So, Bush is off the table and Bill Clinton is back on. It's like taking away their cake and getting to eat yours, how delightful!

Get over it, Bush was re-elected by a wide margin and now he is not running. Billary will be good for some laughs, hopefully only in the campaign and not in the soiled White House, again. Maybe Hillary will be the FIRST President Clinton to get a majority of the vote????
It shows family values and pride and love beyond petty

trifling things duh
What makes you say she ';openly'; tolerated it? Were you there in the White House in the days following the Starr report? A fly on the wall, perhaps? Did you not think she read him the riot act? That she took into consideration their daughter and her own beliefs about commitment before opting to stay put? Did you stop to think, hey, this isn't my business any more than Monica was Ken Starr's?
Yes, she chose to stay with her husband..I can't see that as some character flaw. She is a strong woman, perfectly capable of leading our country. You're just mud-slinging.
People cheat every day...

and people are staying together every day.

It's harder to stay together.

It's easy to call it quits.

Besides... she is not going to let some hooker breakup her family.
Yes; as I'm aware, the family history of all candidates, but Romney, are highly questionable backgrounds for a US President.
Many women (and Men for that matter) stick by their spouses during all kinds of hardships....who the hell are YOU to judge?

So out of all the men running for office (republican AND democrat) wouldn't it be insulting that out of all the possibilities in all of America, That THESE particular men would be considered the most qualified?

What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander.
I think that you are way off the mark with these beliefs. Hillary Clinton showed a great deal of Class by her action as First Lady. She also demonstrated her deep sense of Family Values by staying in her marriage and 'working' on keeping her family together. Obviously Bill made a huge error in judgment, but whatever happened was a private and personal thing between Hillary and her FAMILY and we should not be involved. If you believe that for one moment JFK was loyal to his wife or George Washington (all those signs that said he slept here-wonder what THAT was about?) for that matter, then you are incredibly naive. Infidelity has been around since the beginning of time and I don't see it ending anytime soon. If anything I believe that Hillary has shown that she is strong enough to persevere through what must have been a difficult situation made worse by the news media and maintain her dignity. I believe that all women should aspire to have have her courage and fortitude rather than criticize her for her strong values.
It doesn't matter if you have a (D) behind your name.

Remember, Sen kennedy killed a woman yet he's a dnc hero.
Well, Hitlery is stupid enough to support a war when the Americans kill innocent children and steal their oil.

So, I am not surprised at all.


We need change and the name of this change is: OBAMA.
If by ';tolerate'; you mean ';be okay with';, then I'd have to disagree with you.

Sane or insane, any woman would not be okay with something like that. I just think she was sucking it up. It's a nice quality to have when you're running for president.
Some of the smartest people and the most capable leaders in history were not what we'd consider smart in their personal affairs. I'm not necessarily endorsing Hillary, I'm just saying what she tolerates in her private life has nothing to do with her politics.
who knows

um excuse me ami liasion,

but monica lewinsky was caught on tape telling a friend about how she was screwing bill clinton yeah i doubt that it was just a scandal to ';cover up'; other issues
This woman was so gracious that she went through the most heart breaking and humiliating episodes of her life in public's eye and scrutiny and handled herself w/grace.

She is all the more respected for her handling of immense pressure from conservatives who always want to destroy her family and the bad words said behind her back. She has shown herself to be a leader in ALL areas of life.

She kept the country and her family together. This is not an ordinary man/woman infidelity. This is our national leadership. Have some respect. When Clinton was in office and we had a huge surplus and many people had money in their pockets and now they don't who cares who is fooling around?

At least he was not angry to go bomb places and get our soldiers killed.

A happy president = Peace %26amp; Prosperity

P.S. Kosovo was a peace mission to stop genocide in eastern europe and one of the few most successful attempts that saved thousands perhaps millions of lives
You are right, Bush has been foolin around for 7 years. Why bring up his poor wife?????
I agree with PR Lady, Hillary had her reasons for staying with him and it was to run for and hold public offices and to eventually be'; President.'; If voting for the war is bad judgement on her part then our whole House and Senate are guilty of no judgement because they used the same judgement she did.
In that case.. Is a candidate (Obama) showing good judgment by voting on a bill to send tax breaks to oil companies, when we're in trillions of dollars of debt? What about his statement regarding Pakistan?

Her personal life is irrelevant.. She's a strong %26amp; assertive woman, she will make a wonderful president..
Do you know what has happened behind closed doors in the Clinton household in the past 7 years? I didn't think so.

So why do you say she tolerates it? Maybe for political purposes, she doesn't want to make a big deal about it, or maybe she knew what she was getting into all those years ago? Fact is, many spouses forgive their loved ones for many offenses, including adultery. Who are we to judge whether she should or shouldn't forgive him?

I can't see how her decision in her marriage would indicate how qualified she is to run for President. Besides, how do you define qualified? She is 35 years old, a native born American, and lives here. She is qualified according to the Constitution of the U.S.

That being said, I will be voting for Obama. He is more Liberal, which is what we need.
This is something I always found amazing about american politics.

Bush ran two terms and was reponsible for creating a deficit, lying to the whole country, invading another and destroying thousands of lives. He is still there.

Clinton creates a surplus and doesn't start any needless wars, but commits an indescretion in the oral office and gets kicked out in disgrace.

Years later I can't believe anyone can stretch the link that far to Hillary. You are joking aren't you?
She had her motives to tolerate that; RUNNING FOR THE PRESIDENCY!!!!
She's stupid. She supported this dumb war too... Thats not good Judgment !

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