Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How does it take for them to process a Income Allocation for a Non Obligated Spouse in Michigan?

I've tried to call them but too busy. The state web site doesn't give time frame. Just taking a long shot on here. Thanks for your time.How does it take for them to process a Income Allocation for a Non Obligated Spouse in Michigan?
Shouldnt take over 15 business days. If longer contact them to see why.

How is a woman who openly tolerates her spouse's fooling around, considered to have good judgement?

For that matter wouldn't be insulting for a woman, that of all women she would be considered 'most qualified' to run for president?How is a woman who openly tolerates her spouse's fooling around, considered to have good judgement?
Chris S, Hillary is not 35 yrs old, she is 61 yrs. old.

She is not qualified , that 35 yrs she claims is total bs. She was only Bills wife when he was Governor, and his wife in the white house, before that she was a crooked lawyer. She will NOT make good judgements. She spent 8 yrs in the white house, but so has the pastry chef. Guess them women thinks it is okay to have a husband who has many girlfriends and rapes a few along the way. Not me!

Whether in Arkansas or in Washington, Hillary Clinton has spent decades parlaying her husband's political clout into both money and power and criminal activities . How did that benefit anybody but the Clintons. Commander in Stupidity is what she would be.

For those people whose memories are short, go on the Internet and look up Whitewater, the confidential raw FBI files on hundreds of Republican politicians that somehow -- nobody apparently knows how -- ended up in the Clinton White House illegally.

Look up the sale of technology to China that can enable them to more accurately hit American cities with nuclear missiles. Then look up the money that found its way to the Clintons through devious channels.

Look up Bill Clinton's firing of every single U.S. Attorney in the country, which of course included those who were investigating him for corruption as governor of Arkansas.

It may be old-fashioned to talk about character and integrity but they can have a lot more to do with the fate of this nation, death of it's citizens, than ';experience'; at playing political games, the games that only fatten Clinton's own pockets and adds more members to their crime family. And you know what happen's if you cross a Clinton.

Ms. Clinton does not have the faintest idea on how a war is run, that things change on the ground, strategies change and a sound military must adapt to change.

Hillary Clinton is unfit for command!

';Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book, like Bill did';

';Hillary wrote ,It Takes a Village'; pure socialism in it.How is a woman who openly tolerates her spouse's fooling around, considered to have good judgement?
If you want to play dirty you should answer this: How is a man who smoked a crack pot considered to have good judgment?

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This has got to be the best question ever asked on Y!A... Besides that, she still isn't qualified in my opinion...
You're blaming her for her husband's actions? No one can monitor anyone, and maybe they have a stronger conncetion in their partnership than that. It was good judgement to stand by him when it became public. It was good judgement to do it for her child, and good judgement not to have a meltdown in public. As I recall, too, she was very miffed that he did that.

Do you know that almost every President has had affairs and/or a mistress? JKF makes Bill look like a monk. But back then, the media protected these things. Not anymore. She should not be held accountable for her husband's actions,, especially when it comes to her qualifications as President. One has nothing to do with the other.
Why is forgiveness not good judgement? Why is trying to make your marriage work as opposed to tearing your family apart not good judgement? Her husband made some mistakes. So does that mean that she'd be a better person if she were bitter and vengeful? I don't think so. She chose to forgive and move on. I don't think that it is bad judgement to try to hold your life together and move forward. And I don't think her personal life is any of our business, especially since SHE hasn't done anything wrong.
She didn't fool around so why is her judgement in question? As to why spouses stay together after one or the other cheats, that is really between them and whether they can rebuild their marriage. They might just love each other and be true friends.

Sure seems like not only great testament to family values but also a great example of christian forgiveness - something the other side mouths but exhibits none of.

Why aren't you questioning the judgement of Guiliani or Gingrich - both well known cheaters?
Personally, I don't believe that he really fooled around. I think it was a practiced political scandal to attract attention away from some real issues. Whether or not he really did it was inconsequential--it was planned. Still, I don't think voting for Hillary is wise. Especially if you don't want to be forced to spend 20% of your income on Health Care, or else be fined and eventually jailed.
First part is fairly irrelevant. Though definitely not in the very positive category by most people's accounts. I am sure that Hillary herself wished it had never happened. Though apparently there was a very long pattern of such in Bill's past.

Perhaps she is the most qualified to run for president. She seems to eat up whatever it is about that part of politics, while others shy away from it because of conscience? I would say that Condi Rice is better in many areas improving intelligence and experience. Definintely a better musician and no husbands in her closet, so to speak.

* Sorry - Bush is not running and apparently Bill Clinton sort of is ..... remember two for one deal, part deux. So, Bush is off the table and Bill Clinton is back on. It's like taking away their cake and getting to eat yours, how delightful!

Get over it, Bush was re-elected by a wide margin and now he is not running. Billary will be good for some laughs, hopefully only in the campaign and not in the soiled White House, again. Maybe Hillary will be the FIRST President Clinton to get a majority of the vote????
It shows family values and pride and love beyond petty

trifling things duh
What makes you say she ';openly'; tolerated it? Were you there in the White House in the days following the Starr report? A fly on the wall, perhaps? Did you not think she read him the riot act? That she took into consideration their daughter and her own beliefs about commitment before opting to stay put? Did you stop to think, hey, this isn't my business any more than Monica was Ken Starr's?
Yes, she chose to stay with her husband..I can't see that as some character flaw. She is a strong woman, perfectly capable of leading our country. You're just mud-slinging.
People cheat every day...

and people are staying together every day.

It's harder to stay together.

It's easy to call it quits.

Besides... she is not going to let some hooker breakup her family.
Yes; as I'm aware, the family history of all candidates, but Romney, are highly questionable backgrounds for a US President.
Many women (and Men for that matter) stick by their spouses during all kinds of hardships....who the hell are YOU to judge?

So out of all the men running for office (republican AND democrat) wouldn't it be insulting that out of all the possibilities in all of America, That THESE particular men would be considered the most qualified?

What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander.
I think that you are way off the mark with these beliefs. Hillary Clinton showed a great deal of Class by her action as First Lady. She also demonstrated her deep sense of Family Values by staying in her marriage and 'working' on keeping her family together. Obviously Bill made a huge error in judgment, but whatever happened was a private and personal thing between Hillary and her FAMILY and we should not be involved. If you believe that for one moment JFK was loyal to his wife or George Washington (all those signs that said he slept here-wonder what THAT was about?) for that matter, then you are incredibly naive. Infidelity has been around since the beginning of time and I don't see it ending anytime soon. If anything I believe that Hillary has shown that she is strong enough to persevere through what must have been a difficult situation made worse by the news media and maintain her dignity. I believe that all women should aspire to have have her courage and fortitude rather than criticize her for her strong values.
It doesn't matter if you have a (D) behind your name.

Remember, Sen kennedy killed a woman yet he's a dnc hero.
Well, Hitlery is stupid enough to support a war when the Americans kill innocent children and steal their oil.

So, I am not surprised at all.


We need change and the name of this change is: OBAMA.
If by ';tolerate'; you mean ';be okay with';, then I'd have to disagree with you.

Sane or insane, any woman would not be okay with something like that. I just think she was sucking it up. It's a nice quality to have when you're running for president.
Some of the smartest people and the most capable leaders in history were not what we'd consider smart in their personal affairs. I'm not necessarily endorsing Hillary, I'm just saying what she tolerates in her private life has nothing to do with her politics.
who knows

um excuse me ami liasion,

but monica lewinsky was caught on tape telling a friend about how she was screwing bill clinton yeah i doubt that it was just a scandal to ';cover up'; other issues
This woman was so gracious that she went through the most heart breaking and humiliating episodes of her life in public's eye and scrutiny and handled herself w/grace.

She is all the more respected for her handling of immense pressure from conservatives who always want to destroy her family and the bad words said behind her back. She has shown herself to be a leader in ALL areas of life.

She kept the country and her family together. This is not an ordinary man/woman infidelity. This is our national leadership. Have some respect. When Clinton was in office and we had a huge surplus and many people had money in their pockets and now they don't who cares who is fooling around?

At least he was not angry to go bomb places and get our soldiers killed.

A happy president = Peace %26amp; Prosperity

P.S. Kosovo was a peace mission to stop genocide in eastern europe and one of the few most successful attempts that saved thousands perhaps millions of lives
You are right, Bush has been foolin around for 7 years. Why bring up his poor wife?????
I agree with PR Lady, Hillary had her reasons for staying with him and it was to run for and hold public offices and to eventually be'; President.'; If voting for the war is bad judgement on her part then our whole House and Senate are guilty of no judgement because they used the same judgement she did.
In that case.. Is a candidate (Obama) showing good judgment by voting on a bill to send tax breaks to oil companies, when we're in trillions of dollars of debt? What about his statement regarding Pakistan?

Her personal life is irrelevant.. She's a strong %26amp; assertive woman, she will make a wonderful president..
Do you know what has happened behind closed doors in the Clinton household in the past 7 years? I didn't think so.

So why do you say she tolerates it? Maybe for political purposes, she doesn't want to make a big deal about it, or maybe she knew what she was getting into all those years ago? Fact is, many spouses forgive their loved ones for many offenses, including adultery. Who are we to judge whether she should or shouldn't forgive him?

I can't see how her decision in her marriage would indicate how qualified she is to run for President. Besides, how do you define qualified? She is 35 years old, a native born American, and lives here. She is qualified according to the Constitution of the U.S.

That being said, I will be voting for Obama. He is more Liberal, which is what we need.
This is something I always found amazing about american politics.

Bush ran two terms and was reponsible for creating a deficit, lying to the whole country, invading another and destroying thousands of lives. He is still there.

Clinton creates a surplus and doesn't start any needless wars, but commits an indescretion in the oral office and gets kicked out in disgrace.

Years later I can't believe anyone can stretch the link that far to Hillary. You are joking aren't you?
She had her motives to tolerate that; RUNNING FOR THE PRESIDENCY!!!!
She's stupid. She supported this dumb war too... Thats not good Judgment !

If my spouse wants a divorce and leaves our home voluntarily, can I legally change the locks?

I am afraid she will damage our home in someway.If my spouse wants a divorce and leaves our home voluntarily, can I legally change the locks?
NOPE you can not. as long as they have a say in your residence, ie, name is on lease, or on the home deed, you can not do anything until your divorce is final. They still have rights to their possessions too.If my spouse wants a divorce and leaves our home voluntarily, can I legally change the locks?
You can change them but she can always hire a locksmith to come %26amp; open it. At least in California. I know because my mom's ex husband did that %26amp; the court said she could do whatever she wanted to get in because the house was under her name. So it really all depends.
Its still your home and since she left, you can change them. However it is still her home too until the divorce is final, she might make you give her a key. Its all still marital property until the divorce is over.
She left, you can do whatever you want.

I am a new father and fairly new spouse? How does child care expenses work with taxes?

It seems as if we can get money back paid to a babysitter that cannot be claimed on anyone's else taxes. Does our babysitter have to have some sort of day care license to qualify and I should pay the babysitter with checks to have some sort of payment proof? Please help..I am a new father and fairly new spouse? How does child care expenses work with taxes?
If the sitter does the job in your home, she is an household employee. You are responsible for paying half of the FICA tax, and withholding, if they request it.

More reasonable, is to take your child to some daycare home or daycare place, or the babysitter's home. She needs a license if it is required by state law. Most places, taking care of a kid or two does not require a license, and some states are more lenient than others. If she requires a license and doesn't have one, you cannot claim the dependent care deduction.

Checks are a good solution, as are records you keep. In reality, you will probably pay way more than the maximum you are allowed to deduct anyway.

If you or your spouse are ';stay at home,'; no deduction is allowed.I am a new father and fairly new spouse? How does child care expenses work with taxes?
If the child care is so both you and your spouse can work, fill out form 2441 and attach it to your return. You don't get anywhere near ALL the money back, but do get some of it taken off your tax bill if you have any tax liability.

It can be a private sitter, doesn't have to be a licensed daycare facility.

You should always pay with checks to have proof of payment. You don't have to provide it to the IRS unless they ask for it, but it's just good practice to have proof of payment.
If the sitter provides the service in your home, you are a household employer and have to withhold certain taxes and pay payroll taxes from the sitter's pay. See IRS Pub 926 http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p926.pdf for further information.

If you pay a sitter so that you (and your spouse, if married) can work OR you can work and your spouse attend school (or if your spouse is disabled and unable to care for your child) then you may qualify for the Child %26amp; Dependent Care Credit. See IRS Pub 503 http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p503.pdf for information on that. To claim the credit the provider cannot be a dependent on YOUR tax return but CAN be someone else's dependent.

Can a spouse's debt cause a property in trust to be sold to pay the debt?

If a property is in trust for 2 brothers (California), can one of the brothers' spouse's debt cause the property to be sold? The spouse is not on the trust or deed.Can a spouse's debt cause a property in trust to be sold to pay the debt?
That's easy: No.Can a spouse's debt cause a property in trust to be sold to pay the debt?
No. only the parties directly involved in the trust or deed having a debt would cause the property to be sold.

What kind of activities you share with your spouse?

how is your relationship with your spouse, is it just limited for ';pillow talk'; and having lunches together, [i know this could be a dream to do for some couples]

do you go walking together? running? or do you play chess or cards or a board game like ';Risk'; together? do make food together? do you clean the house together ;)? do you go shopping together?

what comes in your mind?

in other words: how do you define the concept of ';Sharing';?

singles and married are encouraged to answer.What kind of activities you share with your spouse?
It's been a great 3yrs, for me and my spouse. We do everything together, and go everywhere together except work! We keep our relationship alive. Have a powder fight, walk up to him and make a funny face, funny works, laughter is good!!!What kind of activities you share with your spouse?
We do everything together, it's pathetic but fantastic at the same time. We hike together, we camp together, we talk to each other every day for, like, 7 hours, we play games with each other, we e-mail each other, we do grocery shopping together, we text each other, sometimes shower together, eat together, we laugh with each other. For 3 years.

The only things we don't do together is mall shopping and, like, reading books. Or internet stuff.
Even though I'm not married yet.

i think besides,eating together,';pillow talk';,etc,like that i think going on a walk,goin to see a movie with each other,going out to eat sometimes play cards,(i love cards,and he has to love it to haha)

shopping together of course i don't mind sharing anything with him whats mine is his,if he wants space every now and then to hang out with his friends and my friends come over to the house,i don't mind at all,sometimes its not always good to be 24/7 with him because we will start to annoy each other but i would atleast preffur romantic times together to make us love each other more instead of that love decreasing
Well.. Im still single, but I'd love to do there things together, esp food together and out for lunch, I hope he would be able to go for walks after a tiring day of work, about shopping, I'd love to go with him for his shoppings, but diffenitly i won't take him shopping with me, he will hate me, lol, and get bored, I really go shopping with certain imagination and excepecting to find thaat and buy, he'll think im crazy:D, Pillow talks are very nice
:) i like this question!

MM we share many things together ,

like going to the club

walk in the track

watch football together specially AHLY matches and champions league

share breakfast, dinner, lunch

hanging out, shopping together..

play playstation together '; !! ';

traveling ,

going to the movies

sure if we had kids we share many stuff with them and it will be te greatest time.. isA

not really share cleaning he house cause its my job :(

not sharing pillow talk cause we go to bed when we are already slept =D

sharing is about doing all you can and even what you dont like wit your partner just because you love each other...
Sharing means to share happiness in good times as well as supporting and consoling in bad times. We also share opinion and we share in bringing up the children.
Well of course we have the pillow talk thing, but we bowl, do yard work, take the kids to there activities, we love to travel. xox
lots and lots of sexual intercourse.:)
I don't have one...... but i like your question...... and I like to share my good moments .....and bad ones sometimes with people I Love.....
My Friend: Lets imagine that we are making a company with someone, as an example : Trading company: we need to do the following:

1) Arrange the capital of the company (in marriage case , the acceptance , love and respect)

2)Agree on the aim of the company( in the marriage , the new family)

3) Determine the duties and the rights,, the responsibilities and the possibilities (I do not need to explain that)

So in any cooperation ,we have to work together to achieve the target required,, A Doctor , can have an engineer as a partner, to make a contracting company, they are different , But they have to work together , talk together and share activities to fulfill the need of this company,,,In the marriage (company) ,,, we have to find lots of common aspects in order to pass at least the first period of the marriage,, thanks God,, in a while , part of the aim , will take most of both the couple's time, and there will be , obliged common activities which are: taking care of the new born, and struggling in life to arrange for them the reasons to succeed ,, the only problem that when the kids are older, and this all time is not needed anymore, the couples had to train themselves to have common activities otherwise the old house will collapse. We saw lots of similar stories,,,

I myself would share in lots activities but that depends also on my choice of my spouse,, I want one (at least I wanted long time before now) someone who can share my interests in arts, and traveling,,, someone who can share the interest in my business (when I had one) someone who can argue me with respect like I could argue her with respect concerning different fields of life,,, It is not sharing to go to the movies together,, It is sharing to discuses this movie with our point of views later,,,

That was my idea of marriage,,, then I woke up recently and i found I was so stupid to plan how would be the relation,,,simply , because millions and millions are married, had families - with as you say in your q a pillow talk only,, and at the end they have ,someone (each others) and some kids who would take care of them when they are not capable,,,it is bad that we seek idealism and the idealism is so simple than we thought,, the correct answer of any problem is the easiest one,LET NATURE TAKE ITS PATH,,,,Mesh kedah wal ah?
my married life is very similar to what my single life was. There is personal space to the point that it's as exciting as dating someone. I know this is odd, but I'd very much like to have him as a lover next door and have managed to make that a possibility. i.e., getting property that is spacious and zoned for more than 1 home to be built. I will have a bridge modified on the property that notifies him of whether I'm up for some interaction or not. Bridge up means do not cross and down means the opposite, of course. We are VERY different ppl., yet we've found a way for our hearts and souls to remain connected. He's highly organized and a neat freak, i am not. perhaps i'm just a freak. so one solution to that was having a separate kitchen for each of us and a lot of space in the house until the other one gets built. anyway, it doesn't get boring this way. i know of a successfully married japanese-chinese couple who lived across the street from one another in Berkeley, Ca. they have been married for over 35 years. to me being married does not mean u r stuck in a submarine style living situation for the remainder of your life. We travel together (then during travel time/living abroad this living situation doesn't work out well, but i still enjoy him since it's really a temporary thing), eat out together, watch movies together, I'm dressed accordingly as if it were a date picking me up when he comes to the door...keep our own hobbies we had before we met as well as trying new adventures + keeping the hobbies we developed with one another. I hate routine, the only routine i want is to know he's always there for me and that he feel the same from my side. This way works and doesn't bore the hell out of either of us. He never hears what most men don't want to hear probably due to this living situation (he does not hear me tell him, ';go sleep on the couch';/nor does he hear the words ';no'; from me in matters that count to a typical man; it's rare that he's around to hear me complain/nag. I think that stems from ppl. being fed up w/ one another/taking each other for granted. less boring time together reduces that from happening). Yes, it's a very little understood arrangement, but it works for us + I'm thankful for it. We did live in a tiny apartment at the beginning, but it's more preferable to live this way.
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  • Filed injured spouse allocation, how long before I hear anything?

    I filed an injured spouse allocation form because the IRS took my refund to apply to my husbands back taxes. We are seperated and almost finished with our divorce. The back taxes are from his self employment and I was not involved in any of it. He also owes me $16,000 in back child support. Does anyone know how long before I hear anything from the IRS? And has anyone in this situation been granted their refund?Filed injured spouse allocation, how long before I hear anything?
    The injured spouse form is only going to apply if you filed MFJ with him this year and there was a refund on the 2007 return that was applied to a year that you didn't file with him.

    If the 2007 tax return showed a balance due, it won't change that. If the amount owed is more than the stimulus, that wouldn't make a difference either.

    The *other* form is form 8857, innocent spouse and only about 25% of those are granted in all or in part.Filed injured spouse allocation, how long before I hear anything?
    It depends on when you filed your tax return. This is the busiest time of year for the IRS so it takes a while, but within 6-8 weeks you should get some sort of answer.

    There are always variables, but generally speaking from what you said, you should get some relief, but they could dissallow you if you are shown anywhere an part owner of the business. This is a Schedule C business I presume - look at the return and see if you are shown as a joint owner of the business. Your name will be at the very top of the form with his, but look down lower (top third) of the Sched. C and you'll see that info.

    The IRS does what they do and you always can appeal their decision if it doesn't go your way - it doesn't hurt to try. Many people win appeals and you can do it yourself. Just write them a letter with your social security number so they can identify you.. hope this helps.

    These are not matters that zip through the system. Allow eight weeks and then contact IRS if you haven't heard from them. If you care to call before then, be prepared for a wait. The lines are jammed with people trying to find out why they haven't yet received their stimulus payments.

    What is the filing status of an abandoned spouse with no dependents?

    The year the wife was abandoned, she was able to claim her daughter as a dependent and also filed as HOH. The following year the daughter was only in school 4 months (not the required 5 to be a qualified child.) In this case would the wife file as Single or MFS?

    ThanksWhat is the filing status of an abandoned spouse with no dependents?
    She would be MFS. However, what months was the daughter in school? It doesn't have to be 5 FULL months. If she graduated in May, for example, that would be 5 months.What is the filing status of an abandoned spouse with no dependents?
    Assuming that she's still legally married, her only option is MFS if her spouse is not available to file MFJ
    If the daughter was under 24 AND a full time student ';for any part of five months'; then whe would be a qualifying child. If she didn't live with spouse for any part of the last six months, then she is considered unmarried and my file as Head of Household.

    How can a married person find out their spouse's credit report for newlyweds?

    For instance, if someone got married and after the marriage their spouses credit started to be bad. How can that person find out what is on their spouses report if the report aren't shown together yet?How can a married person find out their spouse's credit report for newlyweds?
    You can go online and run the credit report. The two of you should do it together. They will asked you questions that only the person would know. example: What was your very first credit card? You lived on Main Street between 2001 and 2005? Did you refinance a car in 1992? Did you live out of the country between 1985 and 1987?

    The purpose of these questions are to make sure that only the person is inquiring about their credit report.

    When you get married honesty is a major issue, and if you have doubts about her/him you should clear the air now and not later.

    How can a married person find out their spouse's credit report for newlyweds?
    You can get a free copy of your credit or your spouses credit at free at annualcreditreport.com. You will need all of the personal information such as address, social security number, etc. It even asks a few questions that only your spouse would know suchs as past addresses, credit account information etc. Just to be sure the person obtaining the information is truly the person filling out the form.

    In WA state is an innocent spouse liable to pay restitution for crime the other spouse was convicted?

    Washington is a community property state. No joint bank accounts and all assets held separately. Innocent spouse did not benefit and was not found to be culpable in any way.In WA state is an innocent spouse liable to pay restitution for crime the other spouse was convicted?
    Only the person who is ordered to pay must pay. But you can't argue that since his money is half yours then if he pays that's the same as forcing you to pay. That's a bogus argument.

    Can you file haressment charges against an ex spouse with phone calls and letters about family issues?

    The ex spouse has been making phone calls, and writing letters demanding information on the children. The children are both adults now. He was told to leave me alone about this or take it to family court. But he continued to phone me and write letters to me about this information. He will not stop. His demeanor on the phone and in the letters as; demanding, accussing me of other things, and he uses other people to get them to speak to me to give him the information. Is this haressment?Can you file haressment charges against an ex spouse with phone calls and letters about family issues?
    Yes, it is harassment. Alert your phone company to the issue as soon as possible, the best time would probably be right after he makes a call to you. You can also check with your local legal aide (check the yellow pages) and see what other options you have. It is against the law to harass someone over the phone and I believe it's also illegal to do so by mail. A personal protection order won't be of much use in this instance, but you should contact a lawyer to find out what your options are.Can you file haressment charges against an ex spouse with phone calls and letters about family issues?
    your can file against anyone who you feel threatned by. th phone calls are called communictaion haressment, and the leters depending on what they say could be haressment. there are different levels of harressment charges. but on most if not all you dont even need proof. you can go to the police department and just file a complaint it does not even have to be true unfourtenly
    my approach is that my ex and I will always be parents to our kids, even though they are now adults. If EITHER of us were demanding, the other certainly could cut it off totally.

    I think I may be an exception. When they are children, you are expected to cooperate in info exchange. After that.. it's your choice, and you can prohibit him from calling or writing you. Tear up the letters, get caller id and don't answer. Talk to your local police as to what level of calls would be harassing.
    Look up your state statute's definition of ';harassment';.
    you should get in contact with your divorce attorney.

    Can you file haressment charges against an ex spouse with phone calls and letters about family issues?

    The ex spouse has been making phone calls, and writing letters demanding information on the children. The children are both adults now. He was told to leave me alone about this or take it to family court. But he continued to phone me and write letters to me about this information. He will not stop. His demeanor on the phone and in the letters as; demanding, accussing me of other things, and he uses other people to get them to speak to me to give him the information. Is this haressment?Can you file haressment charges against an ex spouse with phone calls and letters about family issues?
    Yes, it is harassment. Alert your phone company to the issue as soon as possible, the best time would probably be right after he makes a call to you. You can also check with your local legal aide (check the yellow pages) and see what other options you have. It is against the law to harass someone over the phone and I believe it's also illegal to do so by mail. A personal protection order won't be of much use in this instance, but you should contact a lawyer to find out what your options are.Can you file haressment charges against an ex spouse with phone calls and letters about family issues?
    your can file against anyone who you feel threatned by. th phone calls are called communictaion haressment, and the leters depending on what they say could be haressment. there are different levels of harressment charges. but on most if not all you dont even need proof. you can go to the police department and just file a complaint it does not even have to be true unfourtenly
    my approach is that my ex and I will always be parents to our kids, even though they are now adults. If EITHER of us were demanding, the other certainly could cut it off totally.

    I think I may be an exception. When they are children, you are expected to cooperate in info exchange. After that.. it's your choice, and you can prohibit him from calling or writing you. Tear up the letters, get caller id and don't answer. Talk to your local police as to what level of calls would be harassing.
    Look up your state statute's definition of ';harassment';.
    you should get in contact with your divorce attorney.
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  • How can a married person find out their spouse's credit report for newlyweds?

    For instance, if someone got married and after the marriage their spouses credit started to be bad. How can that person find out what is on their spouses report if the report aren't shown together yet?How can a married person find out their spouse's credit report for newlyweds?
    You can go online and run the credit report. The two of you should do it together. They will asked you questions that only the person would know. example: What was your very first credit card? You lived on Main Street between 2001 and 2005? Did you refinance a car in 1992? Did you live out of the country between 1985 and 1987?

    The purpose of these questions are to make sure that only the person is inquiring about their credit report.

    When you get married honesty is a major issue, and if you have doubts about her/him you should clear the air now and not later.

    How can a married person find out their spouse's credit report for newlyweds?
    You can get a free copy of your credit or your spouses credit at free at annualcreditreport.com. You will need all of the personal information such as address, social security number, etc. It even asks a few questions that only your spouse would know suchs as past addresses, credit account information etc. Just to be sure the person obtaining the information is truly the person filling out the form.

    In WA state is an innocent spouse liable to pay restitution for crime the other spouse was convicted?

    Washington is a community property state. No joint bank accounts and all assets held separately. Innocent spouse did not benefit and was not found to be culpable in any way.In WA state is an innocent spouse liable to pay restitution for crime the other spouse was convicted?
    Only the person who is ordered to pay must pay. But you can't argue that since his money is half yours then if he pays that's the same as forcing you to pay. That's a bogus argument.

    If your spouse made an important decision you did not agree with?

    If you and your spouse discussed an important issue and disagreed on the solution to this issue which involved your step child. Would you even if you were against the decision stand beside your spouse and support them?

    I don't think you necessarily have to agree with them but I do believe you must be supportive in their choice on how to deal with their child.If your spouse made an important decision you did not agree with?
    At the end of the day, it's their decision, not yours, even if you two are married, so yes, I agree with you. You should stand by their decision even if you think it should have been handled differently.If your spouse made an important decision you did not agree with?
    One it is not your child; so it is not your decision. Even though it was very nice of him to consider your feelings in the matter you should always stand by your spouse in their decision making; if it is within reasonable boundaries.
    Yes, there have been a few times.

    My husband is ultimately the Head of the Household.
    It completely depends on the decision. Most things I would.
    I'd stand behind his choice...although privately I would discuss it with him and try to get him to see it my way...but NEVER in front of the child or others.
    That depends on what he's suggesting, could you elaborate?

    If my spouse is military should i report him for having an affair?

    If your spouse is a member of the military and is having an affair with another married military member and you have proof to the affair (emails, text msg ect.) should i turn them both in. Also it has been ongoing for over a year.If my spouse is military should i report him for having an affair?
    Up to you. Here is the repercusions: up to 2/3rds of pay gone, extra duty for 45 days, restriction for 45 days. Reduction in rank, which is more money. All of these things can happen. If they decide to, they can separate them from the military.If my spouse is military should i report him for having an affair?
    You could, but the military tends to turn a blind eye to this sort of thing. What happens TDY, stays TDY is the motto. If they did act, it could affect you as well. Punishment could be forfeited pay - I'm sure you need the money. Also, if you want to punish the guy, just leave him, but as a military spouse you should kinda expect this and if they keep it on the down low, and keep themselves clean, let it go. Soon one or the other party will get orders to a new base and the problem resolves itself.
    Go ahead, if you plan to dump him and not rely on his money. He'll lose rank, pay, and may do time in the brig. It's against the Uniform Code of Military Justice to have an affair. Also, he isn't going to like you a whole lot for busting him.
    Not enough evidence. The military requires visual proof (video or an eyewitness who is reliable) to the actual sex act.
    You can turn them in... only if you want to get them into serious trouble.
    Your first answer is correct, it could hurt you as well.
    These things CAN happen, but for the most part, nothing happens.
    certainly, do it!
    if you have ABSOLUTE proof then yes you should
    grow up.

    Why don't you ask yourself why he had the affair, or would that hit too close to home?
    i would. he should know that if u cheat on ur wife there will be punishments.

    How would you find out if your spouse is submissive?

    Usually people are dominant or submissive depending on various things. Do you a good way to find if your spouse is sexually dominant nature or submissive nature?How would you find out if your spouse is submissive?
    Strike up a gentle, non-judgmental discussion about your fantasies. Discuss whether or not you would want to role play, or if they are just mental turn-ons. For example, you might have a fantasy involving hot wax, but in reality you would just find that too painful to be pleasurable. The point is that you just have to have the conversation.How would you find out if your spouse is submissive?
    There are a number of possible ways.

    -You can have an upfront and nonjudgmental conversation with him about it. Don't ask him if he's submissive because that'd seem like you're accusing him, ask him if he has any fantasies involving control, mention how maybe you have fantasies of being in control or being controlled and see how he takes that.

    - Casually mention that a girlfriend of yours told you a fun story about how she tied her boyfriend down or told him dirty things while he was pleasing her (or switch it if you think he may be more dominant) and see how your spouse responds.

    - See what sort of porn he looks at if he looks at any when you're not around.

    Honestly I think the first suggestion would be your best option, it takes less time and will give you the most in depth answer. Best of luck!
    If you truly love your spouse, these things are irrelevant for you. Love is all about giving. Remember, Submissiveness has earned a tag of surrender in all these years. But any compromise achieved by a couple to keep their marriage going is something private between them. Men like to behave submissive in some situations. Women would like to dominate in some situations. So as such there are no hard and fast rules. When people allow and bring rigidity and stereotypes into their relationships, they are unknowingly allowing people to interfere in their matters and that paves the gate for divorces to happen.
    Well you could talk to them about it or just give it a try. They will like it or not.
    Ask your spouse what does he or she preffers!

    How can a personal assistant to a celebrity have time 2 meet a potential spouse or start a family?

    If there w/ the celebrity 24/7 do they have a life? i dont understand how it works.How can a personal assistant to a celebrity have time 2 meet a potential spouse or start a family?
    Yeah they do have a life. They have people that can step in for them and they do get vacations also. I would hate for that to be my job though. GOOD QUESTION.
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  • How big of an influence does your spouse have on your idenity?

    I'm not married but if I were, my wife would constitute a huge part of my identity as I'm very family oriented. I couldn't picture myself without a woman I loved and my child. I'm not sure how to quantify this as a percentage, my apologies.How big of an influence does your spouse have on your idenity?
    None. He's got no business forming me to his liking; just as I have no business forming him to my liking.How big of an influence does your spouse have on your idenity?

    my ';identity'; was formed between the ages of 2-17

    I filed my taxes jointly and my spouse did not earn an income in 07.Do I qualify for govnt stimuli rebate 08?

    I make over 85K single and less than 170K jointly since- My spouse is a homemaker.I filed my taxes jointly and my spouse did not earn an income in 07.Do I qualify for govnt stimuli rebate 08?
    On a joint return, the joint figure would be the one that counts, so you'd be OK.

    But the rules aren't set yet, so anything can still change.I filed my taxes jointly and my spouse did not earn an income in 07.Do I qualify for govnt stimuli rebate 08?
    yes, you qualify.

    What are some good books or resources for people who live with a depressed spouse?

    I am looking for some resources for individuals or couples when one spouse has depression. Websites, books, things like that. There are many titles out there, but I am hoping for some specific recommendations!What are some good books or resources for people who live with a depressed spouse?
    The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) might have some recommendations. They are all over the country. Just google.What are some good books or resources for people who live with a depressed spouse?

    anyways... My best recommendation to give to a couple who has a depressed spouse is a copy of The New Joy of Sex.

    Maybe give them a can of whipped cream with it.

    I filed my taxes jointly and my spouse did not earn an income in 07.Do I qualify for govnt stimuli rebate 08?

    I make over 85K single and less than 170K jointly since- My spouse is a homemaker.I filed my taxes jointly and my spouse did not earn an income in 07.Do I qualify for govnt stimuli rebate 08?
    On a joint return, the joint figure would be the one that counts, so you'd be OK.

    But the rules aren't set yet, so anything can still change.I filed my taxes jointly and my spouse did not earn an income in 07.Do I qualify for govnt stimuli rebate 08?
    yes, you qualify.

    What does it mean to make your spouse your first priority?

    Before other family and friends, etc.? How would you describe that when explaining to someonewhat that would entail and why a chosen family (spouse and children) are first priorities in your life and why they aren't even with other family and friends, but are actually more important?

    How would you debate this when the other person sees it that family and friends are just as important as a spouse?What does it mean to make your spouse your first priority?
    You chose your spouse to be your family and best friend (at least that is the theory.) They are the only ones who have vowed to be at your side for life (again, in theory. we all know this is the case about half of the time.)

    So, it is about the choice that your spouse and you have made to elect to be committed to each other. That is the differance.What does it mean to make your spouse your first priority?
    All things need balance and in that sense there is some degree of equality amongst family and friends, BUT, closer to home you have your immediate family (ie husband). So when it comes to the laws of proximity, he is your first priority. It's a matter of who you are planning to live the rest of your life with. At it's worst, it's a juggling act, but you will always come back to your center, with your husband.

    We are all important to our families, just more so with our partner.
    Humm, good one, How's this.

    When you where dating %26amp; getting to know each other, didn't you feel special - needed - wanted -happy with yourself - %26amp; with your special friend / at least at the top of the others ( most important) list,,,

    Isn't that how you fell in love,,,,

    Why should it go away as soon as you say ('; I do';) does that mean

    (he or you) doesn't mean any more or your feelings don';t matter or are any less important then they where back then???
    the spouse is first on the totem pole,because they are your new family,ADAM AND EVE,not Adam and Eve and everone else.you are supposed to be partners,bestfriends and a team in this game of life.
    If they insult my spouse, I have no problem ripping them a new asshole. Any questions?

    How long did you date before your spouse asked you to marry them?

    Just curious. Do you thing a year and a half is to soon? Not that we would get married right away. But my bf kept asking me to move in and finally I told him that I would want us to be engaged before I do. Also how did they propose?How long did you date before your spouse asked you to marry them?
    5 years and it was worth the wait. I think that waiting that long made our marriage even stronger. Sorry, but I would rather not share our proposal story it is kind of personal between me and my husband.

    Just move in with him if you are comfortable with it. Nobody says you have to be engaged to live together. I think that you should compromise with him on this one if you want to live with him. 1 1/2 years is sometimes a little too soon for getting engaged but not necessarily to make a commitment to eachother.How long did you date before your spouse asked you to marry them?
    My husband and i had been dating for only 6 wonderful months before we got engaged he was already moved in too %26lt;~~~long story behind the move in...we had been together for 9 months when we got married and now we are 3 years together with 2 years married going on strong. Complete with 2 children as well I guess you can say that we wasted no time at all.

    Our proposal was as quick as the wedding day came, we were talking about him joining the marines and discussing our future when marriage was brought up and decided that the next step in our relationship would be a commitment in front of god family and friends...we went and picked out the rights a couple days before April fools...went home I was listening to ';our song'; sitting in my computer chair in front of the computer and told him that we would dance to that song on our wedding day i swiveled around and he was there on his knee looked at me and said I want to spend the rest of my life with you, i said yes as i cried my eyes out his next words i will NEVER forget ';I dont have much but what i do have ill give you'; those words mean everything to me! It was magical. We told my parents on April Fools so of course my mother thought of it as a joke and two months later June 2 2007 we were MARRIED.

    Marriage and beginning your life with your soul mate is a beautiful thing! Waiting or not doesnt matter I believe when you are in love with the right one time doesnt matter.
    I met my second husband and started dating him soon after we met. We were together two months and went camping. One evening he wanted to show me an old abandonded cabin towards the top of a mountain. We got there and it was gorgeous. The sun was setting and you could see mountain top after mountain top from there. He came up behind me and out his arms around me and opened the ring box and asked me to marry him. I was floored because I had no idea he was going to do that. It was the most romantice thing ever.

    We were married 3 months later and have been happy ever since. I don't think it was too quick for us because we had both been married before and had a good idea of what to look for in another spouse and we are very, very compatible.
    My husband and I had a very short courtship together. We were dating for 5 months before we moved in together, and then 9 months after that we became engaged. We only had a 3 month engagement because we wanted an off-season (winter) wedding, but we didn't want to wait a year and half to get married. We were engaged in November and married in February. We were together a total of 16 months before our wedding day.

    We didn't have a very grand proposal, however I still laugh when I think about it today. Me being the impatient woman I am was sitting on the couch with my boyfriend and marriage came up. I made some rude, snotty comment about ';Oh like you'll ever ask me to marry you anyway!'; and he instantly got down on one knee (The Simpsons on in the background, LOL) and pulled a ring from his pocket and proposed.

    I was SHOCKED. Here I am, complaining that he'll never ask me to marry him, and he's sitting there with a ring in his pocket for me, Later, he told me he'd had the ring in his pocket for a few days, waiting for the perfect opportunity to ask me. How funny. :P

    Anyway, when you know you know, and if you're ready you're ready. Do whatever feels right to you two. :)

    Good luck!
    Personally we dated for 5 years and lived together/engaged for 1 year before tying the knot. He proposed in our home with a ring around our brand new puppies collar 1week after moving in together, nothing totally overboard, but yet romantic to us.

    A year and a half to me isn't a very long time, but honestly it depends on the couple. If you feel that both of you share common goals, views, and are mature enough to handle marriage then go for it. I liked living together before marriage. It helped us get to really know each other and our living styles. Just take your time, and when your ready you will know. Marriage is VERY different than dating and it's hard work. Times are going to be great and times are going to be tough-but in the end it's totally worth it.

    No, a yr. %26amp; a half is not too soon. My man moved in with me

    4 months after we met. He proposed 2 months later while

    we were at a piano bar. He had them bring me on stage

    and he got down on one knee and asked. It was really cool!

    It was the day after Thanksgiving. We're still not married, taking our time, maybe a fall or Christmas wedding.
    He moved in with me 2 weeks after we met, proposed to me 6 months after we met, so we were married 8 months after we met. Married now 8 years. Nothing wrong with wanting to be engaged before living with her bf. A year in a half is not too soon.
    We dated for 10 months before moving in together. He proposed at the 3 year mark. Although we'd already discussed marriage before living together - since we'd both been divorced, we wanted to ensure/confirm that this was leading to a permanent arrangement.
    Dated 1.5 year before he proposed. Married 2 months later.

    He proposed Christmas morning in front of my entire family.

    We dated for 8 years!!!!!

    we were both high school seniors at a new school when we met and we were 18 we are 27 now and getting married this July

    he proposed to me last year.
    We were together 3 months when he proposed and we've been married for 30 years. Next month will be 31. I think it's a good idea to get engaged first.
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  • What is a qualifed event for a spouse to be removed or added to health insurance?

    Is spouse getting a new job a qualfiy event.What is a qualifed event for a spouse to be removed or added to health insurance?
    If they're now eligible for group benefits through the new employer, that is typically considered a qualifying event.What is a qualifed event for a spouse to be removed or added to health insurance?
    If you spouse is gaining coverage somewhere else then yes this is a qualifying event for him/her to be dropped off your coverage. You would qualify as well if you are gaining coverage under his plan.

    Make sure to notify your plan within 30 days of the event (date coverage is gained). If it is after 30 days it is likely you won't be able to drop him.
    Yes, it's a qualified event, no matter whether your spouse will or will not have coverage with the new employer. You may have to pay extra if your spouse elects not to enroll under the new employer's plan.
    yes it is however the spouse needs to enroll in his/her new jobs health insurance plan.once he/she is enrolled you will need to submit paperwork to your current benefits dept to take the spouse off.

    If you want the full text of the law see link below.



    How to file state taxes if my spouse's W-7 is under processing ?

    I filed my federal tax return along with a W-7 aplication for my spouse's TIN number last week. But the CA state tax application also needs her ITIN number.

    What should I do about the state tax forms in this case? Should I send in a copy of my federal return and W-7 application ?

    Thanks in advance.How to file state taxes if my spouse's W-7 is under processing ?
    You can call and ask if the number is known, or you can ask for an extension.

    Keep in mind that when you ask for an extension, you get to delay the filing of your forms, NOT the paying of your taxes. You can make a deposit at any bank for any amount you owe either for US taxes or for CA state taxes. The deadline for both is April 15.

    What are your favorite things about your spouse?

    For me it is that he absolutely adores me. He is kind and loving, and would never do anything to intentionally hurt me.

    Does your husband/wife do anything that is really cute??

    My husband always sings to songs, and makes up his own words that are hilarious.What are your favorite things about your spouse?
    She is my best friend. I have never known happiness like I experience with her.

    One of the cute things she does is try to immitate our 6 year olds voice. It makes me laugh every time....makes the 6 year old laugh too.

    She is extremely brave....always willing to try new things. She is also very understanding of my countless flaws.

    Sure, we have our moments like anybody else...the occasional arguments and disagreements....but she isn't closed minded and always listens to my point-of-view fairly in an argument (even if I'm wrong...at least she tries to understand. Most people don't do that.)

    COULD I trade her in for someone else? Sure. In the end, we are all physically capable of being with someone else....but why would I??

    My wife is the best...and leaving her for someone else would be a major downgrade. People often use the expression ';The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence...well baby, I LIVE on the other side, and I'm not going anywhere.What are your favorite things about your spouse?
    I love how much he loves me. I know he does. I have a son from a previous marriage who is young (he's 3) and sometimes my boyfriend is more protective over him than I am. It really makes me feel secure. I love how much he loves my son. He didn't just take on me, he took on my son too, he knew I was a package deal and that my 2 year old (when we first started dating) would need a strong father figure and he stepped up to the plate knowing my son's father wouldn't.
    A good question since another had gotten me all negative, and I'm about to take her out so I'd better get my attitude improved..Lets see.

    She's beautiful. Very very hot.

    She's great in bed. I mean really good.

    She can cook like nobody I know. And she does all the time. She almost never makes a meal that isn't really good.

    She's very capable around the house. She does some remodeling and stuff and although often she does a really sloppy job, she is getting better at it and she doesn't mind getting her hands dirty as it were.

    She's fun to go backpacking with. She's tough as nails on the trail and a very respectable hiker.

    She's not a bitchy nagger type. She has her problems but at least she isn't a shrew like some wives I know.

    She's not a money waster. Not too bad anyway. I have some friends who's wives will spend any dime they can get their hands on. My wife doesn't do that.

    That's about all I can think of at the moment. It'll have to do.

    Thanks for the timely question. I'm not so grouchy anymore.
    He's intelligent, has a great sense of humor, gives awesome hugs, is a wonderful kisser (melt melt melt). And he tells me he adores me at random times during the day.

    What's not to love?

    As far as cute things he does - I love it when he carries on a conversation with the dog.
    He laughs with me.

    He confides in me.

    He is concerned about me.

    He communicates with me.

    He encourages me.

    He listens to me.

    He tells me that I'm the best thing that ever happened to him.

    He's honest with me... brutally sometimes :) Which I need.

    He tolerates me.

    He's patient with me.

    He has unconditional love for me.
    My favorite thing is the fact that I am the apple of his eye, so with that comes an abundance of qualities I love about him.

    One cute thing about him is how he complain about my cat not liking him. My cat is always running when he enters the room.
    I love the way my wife lights up when her neice visits with her new baby. And, yes, I am still ***IN THE PLAYPEN WITH SWEET MILDRED***
    I wish I could answer that question but I am not married-no spouse, I do however have a special someone...
    he loves me unconditionally flaws and all.

    he calls me every nite wen hes at lunch.

    In a marital property state, is it illegal to open mail addressed to your spouse?

    I have been having an argument with my husband. I am home all day, and have regularly opened mail which is addressed to only him. He claims that I am breaking a law. I claim that it is marital property of which I am entitled to. Who is correct?In a marital property state, is it illegal to open mail addressed to your spouse?
    marital property state or not, it is illegal to open any one else's mail unless you are their legal care taker and recognized by the state as such. so leave your hands off mail that does not have your name on it. it is a federal offense and if your husband wanted to you could wind up in a federal prison.In a marital property state, is it illegal to open mail addressed to your spouse?
    I can't image that it is truly illegal. However, I found a federal statute (meaning that your state being a marital property state is irrelevant) that does seem to make it illegal, and I could not find any exceptions to it for married people.




    Sec. 1702. Obstruction of correspondence

    Whoever takes any letter, postal card, or package out of any post

    office or any authorized depository for mail matter, or from any letter

    or mail carrier, or which has been in any post office or authorized

    depository, or in the custody of any letter or mail carrier, before it

    has been delivered to the person to whom it was directed, with design to

    obstruct the correspondence, or to pry into the business or secrets of

    another, or opens, secretes, embezzles, or destroys the same, shall be

    fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

    EDIT: I don't have any more time to look, but I am sure the answer is in case law somewhere. I am guessing the courts have interpreted the statute to allow your designees to open you mail, meaning that if your husband had given you permission, you are allowed to open it. After all, it is obvious the some people (like the President) don't open their own mail, and designate someone to do it for them. And I'm sure the people who open it are not committing a crime.
    The mail is only private until it's delivered to your mailbox. After that, anyone can open it, even the neighbors. Although you could probably charge them with theft for removing your mail from your mailbox. But if mail is misdelivered to my address (happens occasionally, same house number, but one street away), I can actually open it if I choose. Ethically, I'd rather see them get their mail so I take it to them, instead. But no law requires me to do so, or leave it unopened.

    Mail is governed by US Postal Service laws, and state property laws do not change that.
    I doubt he could send you to jail for it or anything, but I am pretty sure it is considered illegal even if you are married.

    My question, is what are you looking for in his mail? I doubt he would care if you were reading his mail unless there was some sort of deception going on between the two of you...if it were just bills and credit card offers and birthday cards he probably wouldnt care...
    It should be against the law, but it's definitely inappropriate to open someone's mail without their permission. If he's smart, he'll get himself a PO box and end the issue.
    Yes you can open any mail that comes to your home.

    How to avoid catching hepatitis from your spouse?

    We just found out my husband has Hep C %26amp; A. How do I avoid catching both of these types of Hepatitis? How to avoid catching hepatitis from your spouse?
    I doubt your husband has hep A, likely had it many years ago and now immune. HCV is chronic. You cannot get it sexually, there is no good evidence to such. He got it from IV drugs, or tattoos or snorting drugs, i.e. a parenteral route. You can get it from doing same or sharing razors or toothbrushes, i.e. anything that can let blood. You can be vaccinated against HAV and HBV, but no vaccine to HCV as yet.How to avoid catching hepatitis from your spouse?
    Make sure you don't kiss him or have him cook for you with Hep A. It will resolve and he will not carry it chronically if he has a decent immune system. Once it resolves you can carry on your everyday lives normally. As far as Hep C is concerned, there is much debate on how it is caught. It is almost never caught sexually, but in regular partners it is seen being caught but that could be from sharing toothbrushes, razors, etc. You should start by taking a blood test and making sure you dont have it, once you find out you dont have it you can live pretty nromal lives, use condoms when having sex though again Hep C isn't carried in sexual fluids like semen, but if there is any blood contact from friction you can wind up catching it, so just use some precaustion, don't share razors, don't share toothbrushes, and don't touch his open sores or cuts. He probably carries C chronically as most Hep C patients do, only 5% of the Hep C cases resolve by themselves. Pam Anderson lives a normal life with it, she just has to manage it, like any other chronic condition, with liver scans, blood tests and medication. Good luck to both of you.

    How do you deal with a controlling spouse who is that way because of cultural upbringing?

    My husband is from Mexico and is a controlling person who believes that all men are better than women. I am an independent person who dosn't know how to handle a person like this. How do I put a stop to his increasing controlling behavior?How do you deal with a controlling spouse who is that way because of cultural upbringing?
    Put your foot down.

    Ask him if he trusts you. If he loves you. If he's ever been proud of you.

    If he says yes to all of the above, then tell him he needs to allow you to be you to keep harmony in the home.How do you deal with a controlling spouse who is that way because of cultural upbringing?
    my hubby's dad is from mexico and he brought up his son (hubby) to be the traditional macho mexican that tells his ';vieja'; to do his bidding. my mom in law is that ';vieja';. i am not. when my hubby and i got together, he thought that his life was gonna be all sweet and roses. well let me tell you he had a rude awakening. by the end of the first year of being together i had him helping around the house, washing dishes, helping with laundry everything. i put my foot down and told him point blank he was NOT his father and i'm sure as hell NOT his mother. i don't do ANYONE'S bidding husband or no. don't get me wrong i do stuff around the house, cook, clean, laundry etc. but i have help. you know if i'm going into the kitchen to get a drink of whatever, i ask if he wants something, but he does the same thing. you need to let him know that you aren't going to be controlled by him no matter what his upbringing. and fyi? he's not in mexico anymore!!
    You can't change him that is his way of thinking.

    My husband has fanatic religious ideas about a woman's place in marriage. These ideas started a few years ago, when he started going to the church he goes to. He didn't have these ideas or beliefs before. Your husband like mine think themselves right. All you can do is stand up for your own ideas and beliefs.

    You must have had some idea before marriage. There are always clues.
    you gotta put ur foot down, if he wants to make the marriage work then he will do what he has to, if not well sorry, but ur gonna either have to move on or he will. The situation can be hard...what i dont get, didnt u see this before the marriage??? wouldnt it have made sense if u would have talked to him before the marriage about this?
    Let him know who he married a Independent,Strong person, that who he fell in love with. Talk it out with him and let him know how its hurting you. If he don't stop being controlling then I sorry to say you going have to leave him if you want to be happy.
    google relationship tips


    You married him knowing all this before hand and ignoring it because..........?

    You cannot change or ';fix'; him.You either accept him as he is,or tell him it is marriage counseling or divorce time.

    Don't be surprised if he goes off on you.
    the more independent you are the more he will control. you cant change his heritage and belief system - could someone change yours?

    wanst he like this at dating?
    You either pack up and leave or you choose to live with it. I chose to pack up and leave my hubby after 10 years of that bull****
    leave him
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  • Does a house contract of spouse in Germany need to be produced for applying spouse visa from India to Germany?

    I am applying for a spouse visa to Germany from India. A house contract of my hubby in Germany need to be submitted for applying the visa?Does a house contract of spouse in Germany need to be produced for applying spouse visa from India to Germany?
    Your husband will need to go to the town-hall of the city where he is living and obtain a formal obligation [affidavit of support] (Verpflichtungserkl盲rung) where he declares that he is able to support you. In order to get it he will have to show proof of a regular income (pay slips or bank account statements of the last three months) and proof of sufficient space for accommodation (house/apartment rental contract or ownership certificate). This formal obligation costs a fee of 鈧?5 plus a small fee between 鈧?.50 and 鈧?.00 for the authentication of his signature which may vary depending on the fee structure of the city of application.

    Your husband will than mail you the document which you will have to attach to your visa application (original plus copy). The copy will be kept on file at the German Embassy/Consulate and the original will be handed over to you once your application has been favourably decided so that you may present it to the Feberal Border Protection Officer who is conducting the immigration procedures on your arrival in Germany..

    How much does everyone spend on their spouse for Christmas?

    I was thinking about this and I don't know how much is a reasonable amount to spend on my husband for Christmas. Just wanting to see the variation and what everyone else would consider reasonable to spend on their significant other on Christmas gifts.How much does everyone spend on their spouse for Christmas?
    usually spend about æ‹¢50 as we've got a large family and can't really justify spending a huge amount on each other. this year though i am pushing the boat out and have booked a romantic weekend away for us, but not till after christmas.

    have a fab christmas x How much does everyone spend on their spouse for Christmas?
    I think your financial situation should dictate an amount to spend. Mine is bleak - my husband will have no gift to unwrap this year and neither will I! And it's OK!! But we are helping the poor with some donations. It's not about material things - it's about being together as a family on Christmas, being grateful for what we do have (family, a roof over our head, heat, food, gas, a job) and helping others that are living through some really bad times!
    For me, it's not about price for anybody, but what s/he would like. For Christmas/ordination, I want to get my husband either this: http://www.augsburgfortress.org/store/ca鈥?/a> or this: http://www.catalogfavorites.com/itemdy00鈥?/a>

    (He was just ordained as a Lutheran pastor on November22.) Somewhere, he has a cross necklace with the Luther seal that was a gift, but we don't know what happened to it. As for the latter, he said he had a cross like that that a friend had given him when he spent his college summers working as a camp counselor. He said he thought he could find another, but has not been able to do so. With the Luther cross, I can ask my mother-in-law to pick it up for me so I don't have to pay for shipping. Regardless, both are $25, which is very fitting into our budget. Also, I just don't like to spend much money on anything. Period.
    I spend normally 70 dollars on my husband every year that includes gifts and special dish that i make for him every Christmas.

    But this time i collected some very cost effective discount coupons that are offered free from this website

    do check it out

    I spend 100+ normally but I know not alot of wives do that. I am buying and engraving an ipod for my boyfriend of 3years. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>

    But I often love the little thoughful gifts and we make each other a santas sack. I think as long as I have him I don't mind what I get for Christmas however, I want to show him what he means to me and get him something practical

    How do i find out if my spouse has more than one email account?

    I believe my husband has another email that he dosent want me to know about, Is it even possible to find that info out, if so how? And duh dont need the smart answer of ask him.How do i find out if my spouse has more than one email account?
    I'm sure you already know that you have problems, if you're wondering about another email account and you're on here asking for help. I'm not being rude. I'm just saying that the relationship between you two is not good already, if these things are taking place. As for emails, he could have several going, on several different computers. I knew a few guys that had several email addresses going on, on several different computers, at several different locations, at the same time. When my fiancee and I were in Kinko's one day, a guy was using one of the public computers to check his mail. He said to the guy next to him ';I can only check these emails here on this machine, because my wife would kill me if she found out I had a girlfriend';.How do i find out if my spouse has more than one email account?
    There really is no other way to find out. It's not as though you can call up the Customer Service center for Yahoo! or Google and ask them to go through their records.

    If you suspect your husband has an email address you don't know about and that he is doing things you find unacceptable, the only adult solution to the situation is to address it with him directly and calmly. Let him know you feel that he may be keeping something from you. List the things that have led you to feel that way. Do not get hysterical, do not accuse him of cheating. Just let him confess to you if there is something to confess. There may not be anything to confess--you may just be a little paranoid and dramatic.
    Eblaster. Just google it and you can read the web page. You can install it on the computer without the person's knowledge and the program will track every web page, chat, or e-mail sent. It's about $150 but it does not take long to install and it's great at busting somebody. I hope this helped you.
    Problem solved.
    You have worse issues then the email it sounds like it.

    Finding all accounts would have no resolution on your problems what so ever. Get to the root and start living like you should be.
    Go to refog.com and install the program it's good for 30 days and you are able to see what he gets into, passwords, everything messages.

    Try it i did. No joke...
    why dont you install a program where you can monitor everything he does...his emails, the websites he goes to ...there are many around.
    You can use


    Hope it can help you.

    What happens to an apartment lease if spouse dies or has to go to a nursing home? ?

    Married couple sign a lease based on their combined income; one dies or has to go to a nursing home, what happens to the lease if the survivor cannot afford the apartment?

    And he/she cannot even meet the properties minimum income requirements. Are there any extra charges for having to move out (break the lease)? What if the spouse goes to a nursing home does all his/her income like SSI/pension go to the nursing home?What happens to an apartment lease if spouse dies or has to go to a nursing home? ?
    Most leases do not have a clause for illness or death by one of the tenants. If the property manager chooses to release you from the lease that is their option. Unfortunately, this situation usually ends up like most other broken leases. The remaining signer of the lease agreement will be responsible for 85% of a month's rent fee, plus a 30 to 60 day notice depending on the lease contract stipulation, and responsible for any rent due for the remaining after the move out until a new tenant signs the lease or the period of the lease contract ends.

    If you are in short supply of money and the apartment manager is unkind I would recommend that you find alternative housing and not use your current place as a reference because you may be denied on the condition of contemplating breaking of a lease. The fees will go on your credit and you can pay them later when you are able.

    I am very sorry if you need to go this route just to have a place to stay, I really hope your apartment manager is reasonable.

    Another option would be to try and find a sub-leaser, someone to take over your lease. You can advertise subleases for free on craigslist.com, they will probably need to meet normal qualification guidelines the apartment complex has for new tenants. Check your lease contract to see if subleases are allowed and/or ask your apartment manager.What happens to an apartment lease if spouse dies or has to go to a nursing home? ?
    (1) In general, yes (to break the lease)...but read the lease carefully. In some cases it also pays to talk (sweetly) to the manager of the complex. In my grandmothers case (nursing home...followed by death shortly after), they were very kind and understanding...letting us back date notices, full refund of deposits, no fees, and move out schedule that gave us a lot of extra time. (We had to be out in time for them to get the apartment ready for the next renter...since it took them 30 days to rent the place, we basically got an ';extra'; 20 days to move out)

    (2) Depends on the nursing home. In my case, again, the answer was no. She went into a private nursing home. We paid the (entire) bill on time and they asked no questions. Public/Medicare/Medicaid homes are different. You should know these things before someone is admitted to a home.
    read the lease carefully there might be a clause that address the surrender process. usually it's anywhere from 30-90dys notice. as far as the Nursing Home is concerned it is my understanding that as long as there is a spouse in the community then they will not touch the income. your best bet is to speak with an elder care atty.

    What happens when you split up with spouse?

    Ok here's the deal. My wife has informed me she no longer wishes to be married to me. I am planning on moving out in January. When i do she isn't going to be able to afford the mortgage payments, and no, niether would I if I stayed and she moved. What happens then? We bought the house on our combined income. The house is worth less than it was when we purchased it so selling is not an option. Will the bank just foreclose?

    ThanksWhat happens when you split up with spouse?
    of course the bank will foreclose and ruin your credit,

    maybe try and talking to the lender to see if they would be willing to do a short sale then actively try and sell the placeWhat happens when you split up with spouse?
    Why would you start a question with ';OK'; ?
    Yea, if you don't make the payments the bank will foreclose. Happened to me and it sucks.

    Put the house on the market for less than you owe... Call your lender asap and apply for a short sale. Many lenders will accept less than what is owed rather than foreclosing.

    Good Luck
    It's cheaper to keep her! Try to work out your problems with the old hag. Tell her that you wanted to bail on her a loooooong time ago, but you decided to stick with her moody, pmsy, psychotic butt because you two made a commitment. If that doesn't work, tell her that she'll be broke for the next ten years or so with really bad credit too. She's bound to reconsider. If that doesn't work...tell her you've been having an affair for the last 4 years with your secretary. That'll really get her angry! Good luck!

    PS. Be sure to spend all of your savings before you get divorced! Every penny of it. Get out there and have some fun, buddy!
    both of you move out and try leasing it out for a couple of years until you can sale %26amp; split any income.
    sorry u got a nightmare in the long term.

    1st put house on market

    ask bank about 'short sale without recourse'

    visit daveramsey.com to learn the hard lessons coming ur way from others big mistakes.

    NEVER Ever 'quick deed ' to her. ur both on mortgage. do not foreclose both of u will be chased for the full balance .

    right now both of u need to make payments untill this is settled. even if u get two more jobs.
    Your best bet is try to sell and split the debt. If the bank forecloses, you will both suffer that on your credit reports.

    Many couples continue to live together after splitting for similar reasons. Do you have an extra room in the house that you or she can move into until you can sell the house?
    u can sell it to an investor and then it wont go on your credit u should look into that right away well good luck to u
    There is a good chance if you both cannot afford to live there, the divorce judge could ';order'; you to sell your house. They won't care if you make a profit on it or not.

    The bank will not foreclose unless you stop making the payments completely. Is there any chance you could both move out and make the house a ';rental'; property, so that the mortgage would still be getting paid?
    If you both signed for the mortgage, you are both still responsible for it. You either sell it for what you can get, have the lender agree to a short sale, or they will foreclose.
    Probably! Sounds like a bad situation, good luck to you!
    If you cannot find someone to buy the house and either assume the current mortgage or somehow pay the current mortgage company off, yes, the home will be foreclosed upon. That is a major credit hit for both of you. But, you gotta do what ya gotta do.
    your screwed....

    How would you handle it if your spouse said they loved you but wanted out?

    How does one handle it when the spouse says that they want out of the marriage. The proclaim they still love you but that is not enough any more. No cheating has taken place, just stuck in a terrible rut.

    Both are married to their jobs now.How would you handle it if your spouse said they loved you but wanted out?
    I would handle it by looking for a place to live, by trying to move on and get my life in order.How would you handle it if your spouse said they loved you but wanted out?
    As someone who's gone through a similar situation, I can honestly say that sometimes love really doesn't conquer all. You can love someone tremendously, but it doesn't automatically forgive mean or hurtful things that were said, and it doesn't guarantee that passion and tenderness will always be there. Sometimes people aren't a great match for each other and because there is love, there's a desire to want both parties to try and find the best possible happiness and fulfillment. Even if it means it's not with each other.

    If this relates to you, I'd suggest marriage counseling to see if the love that's left can't save the marriage. Church counseling is often an effective, inexpensive way to see if counseling might help.
    If love in not enough, there is no real love. No one with their five senses would leave the love of their life. How do you handle it? Well, it`s tough and sad, but you have to accept it and move on because you can obligate your spouse to stay. And if they`re married to their jobs maybe that`s what they need to focus on then, their jobs. If you`re willing to let your job replace your spouse, you`re better off without each other.
    I'd say he's already checked out. And he (or she!) clearly doesn't love the other anymore if they want out, as you say. Someone who really loved their spouse would work to get out of the rut.

    And it's truly pathetic for anyone to be married to their job...you're sacrificing close personal relationships for money and to make money for someone else. SAD.
    You and only you know how this marriage is going .. all i can say is this : would you want to be with someone who doesnt wanna be with u for the sake of love ?

    answer this question very honestly and it will lead u to what to do
    I think there is some cheating going on, she isn't telling you the truth. Either that or you aren't giving much attention. She is getting attention from someone else.

    I would say if you want out than get out...i am not really one to keep someone some place they do not want to be,.
    I would help him pack.

    I don't want anyone who doesn't want me.
    taht's awful and heartbreaking
    Sorry..they are cheating...
    I would let him go.
    I would bow out.
    I would take it as a lie!
    It hurts...but let'm go.
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  • What reprocusions are there for my ex-spouse filing our son as her dependent when it is not her year?

    Per court order, I am to claim our son in even numbered years as my dependent. My ex-spouse has also claimed him as her dependent. I am having to file by mail, which sucks, but I am following the guidelines and attaching our post 1985 court order with her signature. I am also amending 2006 return to claim him as my dependent. What will the IRS do, since it clearly states even numbered years are mine. Will they ask her for the money back that she is not due?What reprocusions are there for my ex-spouse filing our son as her dependent when it is not her year?
    Your court order means nothing to IRS because all it cares about is where the child's support came from. Who provided the most support for your son? If he lived most of the time with her, you are going to have an uphill battle showing that you are entitled to the exemption.

    Did you ever get or give an IRS Form 8332 to document which of you is entitled to the exemption? That would resolve the question.What reprocusions are there for my ex-spouse filing our son as her dependent when it is not her year?
    Actually, it's the opposite. If the court order mentions a stipulation, then the court order is worthless to the IRS. In those cases, you need a signed form 8332.

    PS, the 8332 rarely has all the required info. Child's name, SSN, even numbered years identitfied, mom's name, mom's agreement that she will not claim child, her signature and no mention of child support as a pre-condition.

    PPS, Starting in 2009, new divorce decrees won't even be accepted.
    Assuming that your court order meets the Federal standards of not placing any preconditions on the exemption (such as being current on child support) and stipulates the years that you may claim the child, your claim will be allowed and hers will be denied. She will receive a bill for any tax that she owes, plus any penalties and interest if it's after the filing deadline by the time that it's resolved.

    Contrary to what at least one clueless poster claims, she will NOT do any jail time! The IRS has never prosecuted anyone over a disputed dependency claim.
    If the divorce decree clearly stated as you claimed, then IRS will eventually sort it out. You'll get the refund as due to you. And she'll get a bill from IRS with additional tax, penalty and interest.

    It could take months for IRS to sort. So don't hold your breath.

    Best wishes.
    The IRS will have to look into it and audit the both of you, I would guess. You'll come out like a champ and she may end up doing some jail time for signing that all was legal and correct - when CLEARLY it wasn't.

    What do you do if your filing taxes as married filling seperate but your spouse did not work at all?

    More specifically, my spouse is in the process of getting his paperwork so he did not work at all last year. I am being told I need to file as married fililng seperately because I got married to him last November and I can't file as single. I only made about $4,000 dollars and he made zero. Am I going to get in trouble filing with him as a spouse since he is technically illegal?

    Thanks for your replies :)What do you do if your filing taxes as married filling seperate but your spouse did not work at all?
    Your income is so low it isnt going to matter. You can file jointly if you want just put applied for in the ss area. You did not have enough income to even be required to file a tax return. The only reason to file is 1) get back monies if you paid in; 2)tax stimulus program.What do you do if your filing taxes as married filling seperate but your spouse did not work at all?
    no,its not illegal. just put in the spot for his SS# ';applied for'; if hes applied for a SS#.

    Can spouse claim entire rental income on a joint property?

    My wife and I jointly own a flat, my name being first. We also have a joint home loan. However, I am paying the entire loan and also claiming income tax rebate on the principal and interest portions. We are now planning to give the flat on rent. I wanted to know if its possible for the agreement to be made only in her name and the tenant makes the rental payment only in her name. My wife doesnt have any other income and this way the tax slab would be lower when compared to my income. Is this legally correct and valid?

    Can spouse claim entire rental income on a joint property?
    no you have to make it in the ratio of ownership

    Mr. Tulsi Gupta


    For Samarpan Consultancy ServicesCan spouse claim entire rental income on a joint property?
    You can certainly have the lease in your wife's name and make it her income. The problem will come if you file jointly--then it's your income, too. If you file separately, she'll need to show the expenses of the property, too. So, if expenses exceed income and that's her only income, they'll question how she got the money.

    How you can find out what your spouse is colllecting SSI for?

    My dear friend married a woman that told him she was collecting her SSI for disability due to an aneurysm she had. However I knew her back then (her brother is my ex. husband) and I KNOW she had her disability long before that for being manic depressive. Does anyone know how you can find out why your spouse is collecting social security disability. She refuses to work, wont got o school, just travels around like she is something special because he is a VERY high level in the military and she thinks that makes her something special. ANY information would be helpful. Thanks.How you can find out what your spouse is colllecting SSI for?
    or if there is a way to find out if your ex spouse is collecting it and what for?How you can find out what your spouse is colllecting SSI for?
    ask them
    no sounds like your nosy and jealous
    Just have him ask the spouse.

    If your friend can't get a straight answer, then he shouldn't be married to that person.
    There is no way to find out without getting the info directly from her. But i get where you are coming from-you are probablly like me-go to work everyday and bust my *** to just barely get by -and then there are people like your friends wife who is perfectly able to work and wont-and is really, in my view, stealing from those who really do need it-pisses me off too. She is gulity or she wouldn't be deceptive about why shes getting it-first manic depression- then an aneurysm????
    Wow..you can get disability for being manic depressive...dag, I need to quit working and going to school ASAP and feed off the government. (jk)

    What a loser for collecting, acting that way AND for lying to him. He does have a right to know what she is collecting her check for. The relationship could be dissolved fairly easily due to the deception (in most places). I would ask my lawyer about that one, I am sure there are resources that are available to aid you in finding this information, but I am afraid I just don't know where to start.

    Has he not asked her point blank about it and also brought up the fact that she was collecting long before for another ';reason';? Why is she being secretive about it? I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her, if she is going to lie about something as small as the source of her money, what else is she going to lie about? I would definitely have him contact his lawyer and ask for advice. He won't have to do any footwork that way, either.

    If I were you I would keep out of it, it's really a matter between those two now. Granted you provided some possible information that could prove useful, it sounds like they have some issues.

    People get SSI checks for all kinds of reasons, and MANY under false pretenses (I worked in fraud for too long not to know that one).

    I hope all works out there, and take care.
    HE should ask her, and you should mind your own business.
    There is no way legally to find out.It's the privacy law that will stop you from finding out.Leave the girl alone.They don't give you ssi unless you deserve it.If her husband wants to know then he should ask her outright .ARE you the OTHER woman.Sounds like your messin in somethin that's none of your business.
    Ask her
    SSI and SSD are two different programs. I guess the first thing to find out would be which program are they collecting benefits under. Then, you will need to ask the person directly, because their is NO legal way you can find that out unless you become their Representative Payee. I think this is between your friend and his wife.

    How long does it take for an indian employee in batam to process the spouse dependent visa?

    My husband has joined a company in Batam and is going to apply for a dependent visa for the baby and me.We are in India and are looking forward to join my husband in Batam-Indonesia.How many days is required to get the visa done?How long does it take for an indian employee in batam to process the spouse dependent visa?
    First of all,Batam an island of the republic of Indonesia has a set of rules of its own,as it is governed by an independent authority known as Otorita batam.ie batam Authority.

    and the regulations changes fast from time to time.on the average it will take 30 to 45 days for getting a dependent visa.its two sides of a coin.it has its own luxury but its has its own rules ,which are still confusing to the Indian Expats who have lived for more than ten years also.please be patient to get in to a country which is more or less equally diversified as India.

    More things to come after you enter Indonesia ,as Levy,Thumb impression etc etc.My verdict : worth to visit.

    Smokers, would you be ok if your spouse wanted to start smoking?

    Or would you try to talk them out of it.Smokers, would you be ok if your spouse wanted to start smoking?
    I used to smoke and it was so hard to stop,i still crave one every now and then and it's been 5 years now. I would try to get them to not start because i know how hard it is to stop,but it is their desion and if you are a smoker it makes it so much harder to convince them not to.Smokers, would you be ok if your spouse wanted to start smoking?
    Good Heavens NO! I smoked for 50 years and now I feel like a junk yard Dog on a chain! Let me explain! After all those years of smoking,I was diagnosed with ';COPD'; Chronic-Obstructive- Pulmonary-Disease! This disease has caused me to have low Oxygen in my Blood,';Low Blood Oxygen'; and I now have to have Oxygen 24/7 and I have a 25 foot tube running from my Oxygen Machine to a Cannula that fits inside my Nose and a trip to the Bathroom means dragging that 25 foot Oxygen tube,which I refer to as my Chain,because where-ever I go the Tube must follow, thus the explanation for feeling like a junk yard Dog! Not only that but if I feel like going out somewhere I have a Tank of Oxygen that I must pull behind me or a back-pack type Oxygen Cylinder! I have to take Advair and Spiriva inhalers and so many more Meds,to many to list here to help me breathe! I can't walk but a few steps because of difficulty in breathing so I have a motorized chair to get out of the House for awhile,and it to is equipped with an Oxygen tank! The possibilities of being admitted to a Hospital for Pneumonia or a severe case of Bronchitis every few months always looms over you,with x-rays and c-a-t scans,ekg's,mri's,blood test,blood Oxygen level test where they put the needle in your artery instead of your vein which is always nice if you love pain! I could name a million reasons why smokers should quit.I did and as many more for one not to ever start! Best wishes and God Bless! I would have said good luck but luck plays no part in this,only the need and perseverance!
    I would definitely try to talk them out of it. I quit 2 years ago. It's the worse and hardest habit I ever had to quit.
    I would be pissed.
    no, i would be like ';WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!!?? IDIOT!';
    No!!!!I'd def try to get them not to
    not ok, i dont like cancer...
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